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GRI 102: General Disclosures 2016
Organizational Profile
Name of the organization Home
Activities, brands, products, and services Product Portfolio Key Products
Location of headquarters Organisation Structure Introduction Our Global Footprint
Location of operations Organisation Structure Introduction Our Global Footprint
Ownership and legal form UPL Annual Report (Page-68)
Markets served Organisation Structure Introduction Our Global Footprint UPL Annual Report (Page 16-17)
Scale of the organization Organisation Structure Management Approach Economic Performance Highlight
Information on employees and other workers UPL Annual Report (Page-143)
Supply Chain Material Sourcing & Management
Significant changes to the organization and its supply chain No changes observed in the reporting period
Precautionary principle or approach Corporate Governance
External initiatives Talent Management Reporting on the SDGs
Membership of associations Talent Management Reporting on the SDGs
Statement from senior decision maker Chairman’s Message Vice Chairman’s Message
Key impacts, risks, and opportunities Chairman’s Message
Ethics and Integrity
Values, principles, standards, and norms of behavior Corporate Governance
Mechanisms for advice and concerns about ethics Corporate Governance
Governance structure Corporate Governance
Delegating authority Conflict of Interest and Appointment of Board
Executive-level responsibility for economic, environmental, and social topics UPL Annual Report (Page-93,143)
Consulting stakeholders on economic, environmental, and social topic Connecting with Stakeholder
Composition of the highest governance body and its committees Corporate Governance
Chair of the highest governance body Corporate Governance
Nominating and selecting the highest governance body Corporate Governance Introduction Board of Directors UPL Annual Report
Conflicts of interest Conflict of Interest and Appointment of Board
Role of highest governance body in setting purpose, values, and strategy Corporate Governance Introduction Board of Directors
Collective knowledge of highest governance body Corporate Governance Introduction Board of Directors
Evaluating the highest governance body's performance Board Performance Evaluation Remuneration Process
Identifying and managing economic, environmental, and social impacts UPL Annual Report (Page-66)
Effectiveness of risk management processes UPL Annual Report (Page-83-85)
Review of economic, environmental, and social topics Our Materiality-Assessment-Process
Highest governance body's role in sustainability reporting Chairman’s Message
Communicating critical concerns UPL Annual Report (Page-132,145)
Nature and total number of critical concerns UPL Annual Report (Page-132)
Remuneration policies UPL Annual Report (Page-90-91)
Process for determining remuneration Board Performance Evaluation Remuneration Process UPL Annual Report (Page-90,91,131)
Stakeholders' involvement in remuneration Board Performance Evaluation Remuneration Process
Annual total compensation ratio UPL Annual Report (Page-101)
Percentage increase in annual total compensation ratio UPL Annual Report (Page-101)
Stakeholder Engagement
List of stakeholder groups Connecting with Stakeholder Materiality-Assessment-Process - Introduction Materiality at UPL Identification of Material Issues for UPL Our Key Stakeholders Groups Interaction and Assessment
Collective bargaining agreements No unions
Identifying and selecting stakeholders Connecting with Stakeholder
Approach to stakeholder engagement Connecting with Stakeholder
Key topics and concerns raised Connecting with Stakeholder
Reporting Practice
Entities included in the consolidated financial statements UPL Annual Report (Page-281-285)
Defining report content and topic boundaries About the report Materiality Matrix
List of material topics Materiality Matrix
Restatements of information Compliance with global guidelines Reporting period and cycle
Changes in reporting Reporting period and cycle Stakeholder engagement Suggestions and feedback
Reporting period Compliance with global guidelines Reporting period and cycle
Date of most recent report Compliance with global guidelines Reporting period and cycle
Reporting cycle Compliance with global guidelines Reporting period and cycle
Contact point for questions regarding the report Report boundary and scope Stakeholder engagement Suggestions and feedback
Claims of reporting in accordance with the GRI Standards Compliance with global guidelines Reporting period and cycle
GRI content index Annexures
External assurance External Assurance has not been obtained for this report
Specific Standard Disclosures 2016
Material Topics
Procurement Practices
Explanation of the material topics and its boundaries Material Sourcing & Management
The management approach and its components Material Sourcing & Management
Evaluation of the management approach Material Sourcing & Management
Proportion of spending on local suppliers Material Sourcing
Explanation of the material topics and its boundaries Material Sourcing
The management approach and its components Material Sourcing
Evaluation of the management approach Material Sourcing
Materials used by weight or volume Material Sourcing
Recycled input materials used Material Sourcing
Reclaimed products & their packaging materials Material Sourcing
Explanation of the material topics and its boundaries Environmental Performance Introduction Energy Management and Carbon Emissions
The management approach and its components Environmental Performance Introduction Energy Management and Carbon Emissions
Evaluation of the management approach Environmental Performance Introduction Energy Management and Carbon Emissions
Energy consumption within the organization Case study: CS2 plant
Energy consumption outside of the organization Case study: CS2 plant
Energy intensity Energy Management and Carbon Emissions
Reduction of energy consumption Energy Management and Carbon Emissions
Reductions in energy requirements of products and services Energy Management and Carbon Emissions
Explanation of the material topics and its boundaries Environmental Performance Introduction Climate Action Water Management
The management approach and its components Environmental Performance Introduction Climate Action Water Management
Evaluation of the management approach Environmental Performance Introduction Climate Action Water Management
Interactions with water as a shared resource Environmental Performance Introduction Climate Action Water Management
Management of water discharge-related impacts All the limits of effluent discharge is set by pollution control board and we are in compliance with that
Water withdrawal by source Climate Action Water Management
Water consumption Climate Action Water Management
Explanation of the material topics and its boundaries Environmental Performance Introduction Energy Management and Carbon Emissions
The management approach and its components Environmental Performance Introduction Energy Management and Carbon Emissions
Evaluation of the management approach Environmental Performance Introduction Energy Management and Carbon Emissions
Direct (Scope 1) GHG emissions Case study: CS2 plant
Energy indirect (Scope 2) GHG emission Case study: CS2 plant
Other indirect (Scope 3) GHG emissions Scope 3 emission has not been estimated for the reporting period
GHG emissions intensity Energy Management and Carbon Emissions
Reduction of GHG emissions Energy Management and Carbon Emissions
Emissions of ozone-depleting substances (ODS) Emission from ODS is not included for reporting purpose
Nitrogen oxides (NOX), sulfur oxides (SOX), and other significant air emissions Case study: CS2 plant
Effluents and waste
Explanation of the material topics and its boundaries Environmental Performance Introduction Waste Management
The management approach and its components Environmental Performance Introduction Waste Management
Evaluation of the management approach Environmental Performance Introduction Energy Management and Carbon Emissions
Water discharge by quality and destination Climate Action Water Management
Waste by type and disposal method Waste Management
Significant spills Spill Management Environmental Governance
Transport of hazardous waste Waste Management Spill Management Environmental Governance UPL Annual Report (Page-80)
Water bodies affected by water discharges and/or runoff Climate Action Water Management
Environmental Compliance
Explanation of the material topics and its boundaries Spill Management Environmental Governance
The management approach and its components Spill Management Environmental Governance
Evaluation of the management approach Spill Management Environmental Governance
Non-compliance with environmental laws and regulations Spill Management Environmental Governance
Occupational Health & Safety
Explanation of the material topics and its boundaries Management Approach Health, Safety & Environment (HSE) Policy
The management approach and its components Management Approach Health, Safety & Environment (HSE) Policy
Evaluation of the management approach Management Approach Health, Safety & Environment (HSE) Policy
Occupational health and safety management system Management Approach Health, Safety & Environment (HSE) Policy
Hazard identification, risk assessment, and incident investigation Management Approach Health, Safety & Environment (HSE) Policy
Occupational health services Management Approach Health, Safety & Environment (HSE) Policy
Worker participation, consultation, and communication on occupational health and safety Management Approach Health, Safety & Environment (HSE) Policy
Worker training on occupational health and safety Management Approach Health, Safety & Environment (HSE) Policy HSE Committee
Promotion of worker health Management Approach Health, Safety & Environment (HSE) Policy
Prevention and mitigation of occupational health and safety impacts directly linked by business relationships Management Approach Health, Safety & Environment (HSE) Policy HSE Committee
Workers covered by an occupational health and safety management system Health, Safety & Environment (HSE) Policy HSE Committee
Work-related injuries Health, Safety & Environment (HSE) Policy HSE Committee
Work-related ill health Health, Safety & Environment (HSE) Policy HSE Committee
Local Communities
Explanation of the material topics and its boundaries UPL's Conscience Vision - Mission - Values Focus Area CSR Process CSR Spend CSR Governance
The management approach and its components UPL's Conscience Vision - Mission - Values Focus Area CSR Process CSR Spend CSR Governance
Evaluation of the management approach UPL's Conscience Vision - Mission - Values Focus Area CSR Process CSR Spend CSR Governance
Operations with local community engagement, impact assessments, and development programs Development Efforts Outside India Development Efforts In India Skill Development SHG & Entrepreneurship Environment And Nature Conservation (UPL Vasudha) National Institutions - Institutes Promoted / Supported by UPL National And Local Area Need We Are United (WAU) Volunteers
Operations with significant actual and potential negative impacts on local communities Development Efforts In India Skill Development SHG & Entrepreneurship Environment And Nature Conservation (UPL Vasudha) National Institutions - Institutes Promoted / Supported by UPL National And Local Area Need We Are United (WAU) Volunteers
Customer health & safety
Explanation of the material topics and its boundaries Product Stewardship and Technological Innovations Introduction Quality of our offerings Valuing our Customers Adarsh Kisan Centre
The management approach and its components Product Stewardship and Technological Innovations Introduction Quality of our offerings Valuing our Customers Adarsh Kisan Centre
Evaluation of the management approach Product Stewardship and Technological Innovations Introduction Quality of our offerings Valuing our Customers Adarsh Kisan Centre
Assessment of the health and safety impacts of product and service categories Innovation Approach
Incidents of non-compliance concerning the health and safety impacts of products and services Innovation ApproachUPL Annual Report (Page-146,152)
Marketing & Labeling
Explanation of the material topics and its boundaries Product Stewardship and Technological Innovations Introduction Quality of our offerings Valuing our Customers Adarsh Kisan Centre
The management approach and its components Product Stewardship and Technological Innovations Introduction Quality of our offerings Valuing our Customers Adarsh Kisan Centre
Evaluation of the management approach Product Stewardship and Technological Innovations Introduction Quality of our offerings Valuing our Customers Adarsh Kisan Centre
Requirements for product and service information and labeling Valuing our Customers Adarsh Kisan Centre
Incidents of noncompliance concerning product and service information and labeling Valuing our Customers Adarsh Kisan Centre Unimart Adarsh Farm Services Trust++ UPL Annual Report (Page-152)
Incidents of noncompliance concerning marketing communications Valuing our Customers Adarsh Kisan Centre Unimart Adarsh Farm Services Trust++ UPL Annual Report (Page-152)
Non-GRI: Emergency Preparedness
Explanation of the material topics and its boundaries Management Approach Health, Safety & Environment (HSE) Policy
The management approach and its components Management Approach Health, Safety & Environment (HSE) Policy
Evaluation of the management approach HSE Committee
Non-GRI: Technological Innovation
Explanation of the material topics and its boundaries Innovation Approach
The management approach and its components Innovation Approach
Evaluation of the management approach Innovation Approach
SDG Sustainable Development Goals Report Section / Explanation
No-poverty Goal 1:NO POVERTY Risks Our Approach Business Growth Future Outlook Product Portfolio Product Stewardship and Technological Innovations Introduction Quality of our offerings Unimart Adarsh Farm Services Trust++ Development Efforts Outside India Sustainable Livelihood (UPL Pragati)
zero-hunger Goal 2: ZERO HUNGER Organisation Structure Introduction Product Portfolio UPL Sustainable Development Plan UPL Prioritized SDGs Our Environment Policy Unimart Adarsh Farm Services Trust++ Sustainable Livelihood (UPL Pragati) Skill Development
goal Goal 3: GOOD HEALTH AND WELL BEING Contributing to Communities Social and Environmental Outlines Development Efforts Outside India Sustainable Livelihood (UPL Pragati) National And Local Area Need
goal Goal 4: QUALITY EDUCATION UPL Sustainable Development Plan Prioritized SDGs Our Environment Policy Development Efforts Outside India Sustainable Livelihood (UPL Pragati) National Institutions - Institutes Promoted / Supported by UPL
goal Goal 5:GENDER EQUALITY Development Efforts Outside India SHG & Entrepreneurship Environment And Nature Conservation (UPL Vasudha) National And Local Area Need
goal Goal 6: CLEAN WATER AND SANITATION Climate Action Water Management Our Environmental Management Plan
goal Goal 7: AFFORDABLE AND CLEAN ENERGY Energy Management and Carbon Emissions Case study: Mancozeb plant and Caustic Chlorine plant Case study: GF3000 plant Case study: CS2 & Acephate plants Case study: CS2 plant UPL Sustainable Development Plan Prioritized SDGs Our Environment Policy
goal Goal 8: DECENT WORK AND ECONOMIC GROWTH Valuing our Customers Adarsh Kisan Centre HSE Committee National And Local Area Need We Are United (WAU) Volunteers
goal Goal 9: INDUSTRY , INNOVATION AND INFRASTRUCTURE UPL Sustainable Development Plan Prioritized SDGs Our Environment Policy Innovation Approach Intellectual Property
goal Goal 10: REDUCED INEQUALITIES Development Efforts Outside India Sustainable Livelihood ( UPL Pragati) National And Local Area Need We Are United (WAU) Volunteers
goal Goal 11: SUSTAINABLE CITIES AND COMMUNITIES Valuing our Customers Adarsh Kisan Centre Focus Area CSR Process
goal Goal 12: RESPONSIBLE CONSUMPTION AND PRODUCTION Waste Management Case study: Green Canteen & Meeting Room at Jhagadia Spill Management Environmental Governance UPL Sustainable Development Plan Prioritized SDGs Our Environment Policy Our Environmental Management Plan Innovation Approach Intellectual Property
goal Goal 13: CLIMATE ACTION Sustainability at UPL Product Innovation Environmental Performance Introduction Energy Management and Carbon Emissions Spill Management Environmental Governance Our Ambition 30% Environment Foot Print reduction by 2020 Climate Action Water Management Our Environmental Management Plan SHG & Entrepreneurship Environment And Nature Conservation (UPL Vasudha)
goal Goal 14: LIFE BELOW WATER Talent Management Reporting on the SDGs Water Management Climate Action
goal Goal 15: LIFE ON LAND UPL Sustainable Development Plan Prioritized SDGs Our Environment Policy Our Ambition Environment And Nature Conservation (UPL Vasudha)
goal Goal 16: PEACE,JUSTICE AND STRONG INSTITUTIONS National Institutions - Institutes Promoted / Supported by UPL
goal Goal 17: PARTNERSHIPS FOR THE GOALS HSE Committee Generic Crop Protection Chemicals Management Approach